Buyer Register

Company Information
Appointment User Email used for login
Delegate Information Please list names and titles of attending Delegates
  • Delegate 1
Marketing Information for the Official Directory
  • A. Type of company
  • B. Years in this business?
  • C. Company core business: (More than one option may be marked)
  • D. Target client
  • E. Type of accomodation you provide: (More than one option may be checked)
  • F. ¿Does your company sell in Latin America?
  • G. What´s the number of travellers sent to Peru and/or the region in the last two years?
  • H. Considering Peru as destination, what’s your annual turnover in the last two years?
  • I. Mark the vacation term in your country
  • J. Mark the average number of nights your passengers visit Latin America
  • K. What’s your motivation to participate in this event? How did you get to know about it?
  • L. Why would you consider Peru in your tourist offer?
  • M. Has your company participated in previous editions?

Date: 2024-07-27 04:16:16